Friday, June 23, 2017


PNWHC's 2017 Fall AKC Herding Tests & Trials will be held at PackLeader Farm on Saturday, September 30 - Sunday, October 1.

Herding Judge Assignments

Saturday:  Laura DeLaCruz - Herding Trial; Carol Wolfram - Herding Test
Sunday: Laura DeLaCruz - Herding Trial & Test

Herding Trial Committee

Trial Chair:  Gabrielle LaRoche
Trial Secretary: Claudia Dickerson; Assistant to Secretary: Vicki Chalk
Chief Stock Handler: Barbara Davenport
Chief Steward: Lisa Klein
Course Director: Ashley Wright
Clary Douwes, Wendy Waggoner and other Pacific NW Herding Club members as needed. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Aussie Shirt Summer Fundraiser

This Aussie shirt fundraiser will support the September 30 - October 1, 2017 PNWHC Trials at packLeader Farm.

PNWHC hosts two AKC herding trials every year.  We strive to bring a variety of judges from around the country to judge our trials. Back by popular demand, Laura DeLaCruz from Chaparral New Mexico, will be judging our fall trials. 

This Zentangle-inspired Australian Shepherd shirt is a fundraiser to help offset the costs associated with the Fall 2017 PNWHC herding trials.   This design is available in short, long sleeve and v-neck tees, tanks, youth and crew-neck and hooded sweatshirt and comes in a rainbow of colors.  Bonfire has greatly expanded their offerings, so take a look and don't let yours get away. 

The Zentangle-inspired Aussie has been designed and colored for you by Carol Wolfram.  We hope you will love this design as much as we do and buy early and often! Click here to order now Order will ship July 19.

As of midnight EST on July 11, 2017, our Pacific NW Herding Club Summer Fundraiser sold 96 products and made a significant contribution to the September 30-October 1 herding trial!  The campaign is now closed and the Aussie shirts are no longer available.  If you ordered and Aussie shirt it should arrive around July 26.

Thanks to everyone that supported this fundraiser either by buying shirts or helping to promote it.

Stay tuned for the next fundraiser. Rumor has there is a Border Collie in the works.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Mtg. Notice: 7:30 PM June 21, 2017

Call in number: (605) 475-6150
Access code 400-8018


7:30 PM - Call to Order

Annual Elections – Nominating Committee’s Slate
President – Carol Wolfram
Vice President – Claudia Dickerson
Secretary – Gabrielle LaRoche
Treasurer – Wendy Waggoner 
Board Member – Nancy Macklin
Board Member – Lisa Klein

Adjourn and Reconvene as Regular Board Meeting 


val of agenda (as presented or with additions offered by board members in attendance)

Approval of April 19, 2017 minutes (as presented or with corrections/additions)

Treasurer's Report 

Old Business
  • September 30 - October 1, 2017 Trial - Judge change, etc.
New Business
  • 2018 Trials
Next Meeting: Regular Board Meeting - August 16 @ 7:30 PM