Sunday, September 21, 2014

Holiday Photo Shoot at Trial

Here is your opportunity to get a great digital photo of you and your dog(s) to use as your holiday card or to include in your winter newsletter to friends and family! Jump start your holiday "To Do" list.

We will have different winter holiday settings for you to choose from. $15 for the first high resolution digital image and $10 for each additional. Bring your own USB thumb drive, or we can put the images on a CD for you.  Sign up at the secretary's desk to schedule your session with our photographer.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Final Judging Program (revised) - September 2014

Saturday, September 27


11:45 am – Handlers’ Meeting for B Course Sheep, to be followed immediately by judging Advanced B Course Sheep

B Course Sheep
Advanced - 2 entries (231, 232)
Started - 1 entry (211)

To follow – C Course Sheep
                  Advanced – 1 entries (331)

To follow – A Course Ducks
                  Advanced – 1 entry (431)
Intermediate – 2 entries (421, 422)
Started – 2 entries (411, 412)

To follow – A Course Sheep
                  Advanced – 5 entries (531, 532, 533, 534, 535)

Intermediate – 4 entries (521, 522, 523, 524) Started – 3 entries (511, 512 513)


1:30 pm – Handlers’ Meeting for Pretrial Tested, to be followed immediately by judging

Pretrial Tested, 3 entries (101, 102, 103)

Sunday, September 28


7:45 am – Handlers’ Meeting for B Course Sheep, to be followed immediately by judging Advanced B Course Sheep

B Course Sheep
Advanced - 2 entries (231, 232)
Started - 1 entry (211)

To follow – C Course Sheep
                  Advanced – 1 entries (331)

To follow – A Course Ducks
                  Advanced – 1 entry (431)
                  Intermediate – 2 entries (421, 422)
 Started – 2 entries (411, 412)

To follow – A Course Sheep
                  Advanced – 5 entries (531, 532, 533, 534, 535)
                  Intermediate – 4 entries (521, 522, 523, 524)
                  Started – 3 entries (511, 512, 513)

To follow - Pretrial Tested, 2 entries (101, 102)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Judges' Dinner - September 27, 2014

Please join us for the Judges’ Dinner Saturday night at Massimo’s Italian Bar & Grill, 13802 Purdy Dr. NW, Gig Harbor.  They have delicious Italian fare and seafood.  Gluten-free pasta is available upon request. The restaurant is a ten minute drive from the farm and very close to the Westwynd Hotel.  Sign up at the secretary’s desk when you check in so we can give the restaurant a head count.  Dinner time to be determined and posted at the secretary's desk.