Our AKC Spring Trial will be held at PackLeader Farm, April 11 & 12, 2015
Entries close Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Event Numbers: 2015678101 & 2015678102
We will offer A, B & C Sheep, A Ducks, & Tests (HT/PT) both days.
Darlene Laurin will judge the Trials both days and the Tests on Saturday. Click to see Darlene's past judging assignments.
Connie Gohl will judge the Tests on Sunday. Click to see Connie's past judging assignments.
Anticipated date of Premium availability: January 25, 2015.
To receive a Premium, please contact the Trial Secretary, Claudia Dickerson.
If you are interested in volunteering please contact the Gabrielle LaRoche.
If you are interested in stockhandling please contact the Chief Stockhandler, Barbara Davenport.
All other questions should be directed to the Trial Co-Chairs, Carol Wolfram or Gabrielle LaRoche